
This workshop brings together researches that work on spatial and by extension temporal expressions from a diachronic, cognitive and typological perspective. The workshop is mostly centered around the question how best to characterise these differences, notably against the background of Talmy's (2000) distinction between satellite-framed and verb-framed languages,  and whether these typological preferences have an effect on our cognitive (non-verbal) representation of spatial and/or temporal relations.



The programme can be consulted via the link on the left or can be downloaded here as a pdf file. All talks will be in English.



The workshop takes place at the University of Lille, Campus Pont de bois, amphi B7 (bâtiment B).

There will be a parallel zoom session (link will be sent via mail to registered participants).



Attendance is free of charge, but we do ask you to register via this form (both for in situ as online participation) to allow us to organise things properly. Please register by Sept. 2 (if you register after Sept 2 for IRL attendance, do contact us).



You can download the abstracts here


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